The DO's and DON'Ts of Weightlifting
Prioritize equipment. It is good to use equipment to work on isolation, however compound lifts work your full body. This combining of strength through your full body will get you STRONGER FASTER than if you were just to move from isolation exercise to isolation exercise. Examples of Compound Lifts- Bench, Dead lift, And Squat.
Hop from program to program. Well it is important to confuse your muscles, consistence is a major key to success🗝
Those who develop good habits in consistence will find victory on the path to gains. Once you thoroughly know how all exercises, alternate sets, and muscle groups work thoroughly.... AND you have no issues with gym dedication..... then may be this don't won't matter so much🏋️♂️
Lift too heavy, too often. This is a basic lesson in muscular construction. Working out is tearing your muscles. Lift big? Big tears. That tearing is eventually going to heal, into larger stronger muscles. Lifting too heavy too often will cause you to heal slower, and less effectively. This is why that guy who claims to never take a rest day is always a knuckle head. Recuperate!
Focus on the basics! We talked earlier about compound lifts. They're good comprehensive exercises to do! They'll build full body muscle, really teaching you the essence of movement. This is why the 3 foundation lifts of bodybuilding are all compound lifts!
Next to this, do so movements with correct technique. It's the technique that builds the muscle. Do not move too fast, or sloppily just to do higher weight! The person that respects the technique will ascend to aesthetic god faster than they who are in search only of pride in high PR 🚫
Stick to a plan! Consistent is the one who is successful. They will be able to stay more disciplined, more easily. Tracking progress is also much faster this way, and tracking progress is part of the road-map to victory.
Utilize progressive overload. This follows the idea that if you leave the gym able to do a single push-up, you're doing something wrong. At its core, it means BE SORE!!! In technicality, this is the extra mile. The supersets. The dropsets......... You need to be working your muscles to exhaustion. Push yourself until you can't do anymore. The reasons to do this are obvious. You'll be acquiring more strength in the long run because you're working harder. More muscle tearing will lead to larger, stronger muscles in the future(gotta make sure you rest though!).
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