External Accountability is POWER
The better you get, the more accountability you start to take on

Why? Because you understand that mankind's only battle is WITHIN.
We have two minds:
The infinite mind sees no limitation. It can conceive of anything and everything within imagination... And if it remains in resonance long enough, that which is brought forth imagination can be brought forth in material reality.

The ego mind is obsessed with physical validation. It perceives the three-dimensional world as the be-all-end-all, and it's sole focus is to avoid physical threat.
When we're moving towards our goals, these two minds are in constant battle. One is intent on helping us materialize victory, while one sees progress and transition as something to be cautious against.

By leveraging the power of more than just one conscious mind, we can overcome obstacles and eliminate blocks that come in the form of our own fears and doubts.
If you're ready to reach the next step in your growth, it's time to build a team. Right now I'm looking for growth-minded vegans that want to change the world... And are ready to start with themselves.

Ready for some personalized accountability? Let our coaches guide you. Click Here to get started.
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