Dietary Displacement: The solution to healthy eating...

Firs things first, as a die hard grass eating fairy vegan I'm ALWAYS going to tell you that Whole Foods Plant-Based is the best diet of all time🍴🥦😉⁣⁣
You don't kill any one else in order to kill yourself with cholesterol. Where are the downsides in that???⁣⁣
But let's just keep it real. People do infact find massive success health/fitness success on a blood-saturated ketogenic diet. ⁣⁣
They find massive success on a diet of only fruits and nuts. ⁣⁣
They find massive success eating nothing but potatoes… or just drinking juice. ⁣⁣
The most common question from the health journey newbies is "what's the best diet?"🤔⁣⁣
And the answer is whatever you can stick to. ⁣⁣
Massive diet overhaul IN GENERAL works so well because the standard American diet is just so damn bad for you. The average American consumes 88g of sugar per day. ⅔ of Americans are overweight… and ⅓ of them are obese. ⁣⁣
The concept of diet overhaul is called dietary displacement. ⁣⁣
I hate to say this because I want to hype Plant-Based eating up as much as I can… but it's less about what option you choose… and far more about just doing it. Sticking with it. And adjusting as you see fit ONCE YOU'VE COMMITTED to consistency. ⁣⁣
……..but yes also go vegan😁🌱🤟⁣⁣ 
Want some help building a diet strategy that works for you? Click HERE

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