Mischa Janiec

Mischa Janiec is a natural Vegan Bodybuilder living in Cape Town, South Africa. It has been difficult for me to find a lot of information on this guy, but I made it a mission because he’s HUGE.

Mischa was born in Switzerland, in 1991. He’s half Swiss, and half Polish. His father was also a bodybuilder, giving him insight into the sport, and helping him on his journey to serious gains. Through social media, Mischa has grown his following. Officially, he’s made a career as a personal trainer, helping many to reach their fitness and bodybuilding goals. He creates vegan meal plans, vegan diet plans, fitness plans, and coaches clients on lifestyle and fitness. 

You can follow him on YouTube HERE

Even if you don't speak German, you can still appreciate his incredible physique. 


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Fitness Competition Accomplishments:

  • In 2011, Swiss Natural Bodybuilding Champion
  • On second place GNBF 2013 International Class in Germany
  • On second place SNBF 2013 Heavyweight Class in Switzerland
  • Winner of Heavyweight & Overall WNBF Muscle Mayhem 2016

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